Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Scooby: the goofy big baby

One big goofy looking dog at the Lau Fau Shan Kennels.

One of those quiet, timid, yet curious faces who's easily lost among a pack of fifteen, twenty dogs, unseen, unnoticed.

Always in the shadows, by a corner, watching, waiting: for that little attention, that brief moment of acknowledgement that he exists.

I call him Scooby.

A brown colored German Shepherd cross with a cute friendly face, Scooby may look big but he's just one curious pup who craves attention. Yet he's too shy to come forward and just hides in the corner or blends in with the crowd, waiting. He's probably gotten by all his life by blending in, staying away from troubles.

I hardly noticed him at first, as he was always so quiet and blending in so well with the rest of the pack, never causing a scene. However, I couldn't but help notice this curious and friendly face when I reviewed the photos taken at the Kennel. This German Shepherd cross with goofy looking ears that's always there, either behind or amongst the pack, looking a bit shy but always, with a friendly grin on his face.

Another good potential as a loyal family member. Another face that will always come up on my mind from time to time, wishing the best for him.

If you're considering taking in a GSD, please, give Scooby a chance. He may not be a pure bred but if he's given the chance, he'll blossom into one fine loyal companion.

Scooby with his signature grin and goofy ears, blending in:

Not too sure about being the center of attention, yet quietly following:

Scooby waiting for someone to notice him:

Waiting behind Cindy: "hi there? err... would you hug me too?"

Coming next: My little Lady

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